Wednesday, August 19, 2015

A Mind Set on Health & Happiness

Change Takes Time...

It took longer than a day to get out of shape.  It took longer than a day to develop unhealthy eating habits.  So, why are you looking for results over night?  Don't get discouraged, you can't change everything in a day.  

But you can get started today.  

I found this on Facebook, seems appropriate.
Get yourself a small note book.  On the inside front cover write a little note to yourself; I LOVE YOU, XXXX XXXX.  

You could stop there ~ or delve deep and turn the page, (leave a page front and back blank) At the top of the page as a sorta of title, write:  I LOVE YOU XXXX, BECAUSE..., then list 7 things that you love about you.  Leave plenty of space between each item.  That way if you want to elaborate on it later you will have room to do so. I don't know about you, but I'm feeling pretty good, after finding 7 things that I Love about me.  

I don't want to be Debbie Downer but now turn the page and list 7 things that you want to change or improve about yourself.  Keep your smile as you make this list, make it a good thing.  Say, you want to lose 45 lbs... Don't write I am fat and need to lose 45 lbs.  Write; I will looks stunning when I lose 45 lbs.  Or maybe even; I will be so much healthier when I lose 45 lbs.  Remember this is all about you!  It is about you and what makes you happy!  There aren't any "Ifs" when you are looking for change.  It's all about When! 

Another little tid bit found on Facebook

Monday, July 20, 2015

Making Changes - A Mind Set on Health & Happiness

Only YOU can Change YOU!

Breakfast the First Day of the Clean Eating Challenge!!

I started my day with 24 ounces of room temperature water upon awakening at 5:45 a.m.  Water is the KEY to all life.  Water is the best way to clear the body of toxins as well.  Start your day with water, it will also keep the cravings away.  Most of the time you are not hungry.  It is the water that your body is craving.  

I didn't even feel any hunger pangs, but at 9:30 a,m,  The thought of Breakfast enters the realm of consciousness.  I don't want to skip meals.  The whole idea of the challenge is not to skip eating but to start eating the things that my body needs, and to eliminate the things that it does not!  I tend to crave salty snacks. They will be my greatest challenge!

I have been searching my Pinterest Boards for some healthier options for the coming week.   You can start at these boards:  Healthy Things,  Getting Fit,  Healthier Foods,  Lunch ~ Keep'n It Healthy  There are many more, but these will get you connected to me there.  I have pinned some 9,000 links, most of them to things and ways to improve your health and well-being.

I'll keep you posted on my progress for this challenge....  I do have some before pictures.... but you won't see them until I have some after photos or at least some midway photos.

Cheers to Health and Happiness!!